Identify Risk
Aims to find out or understand the risks that may arise due to climate change through risk assessment calculation, based on the components of hazard, vulnerability, exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity.
Assess Magnitude of Impacts
Aims to estimate the value of loss and damage based on the type of disaster. Impact assessments are carried out according to the types of losses related to economic and non-economic sectors.
Identify Measures
Aims to determine the actions that are in accordance with the impact assessment that has been carried out previously. The identification of actions will determine the priority and the amount of funding.
Prioritise and Fund Measures
Funding for climate change adaptation in Indonesia is part of the overall development plan financing policy. The priority scale determines the number of funds for the targeted goals.
The activities from action and funding planning refer to the decision of the climate risk assessment that has been carried out previously.
Monitor and Evaluate
The process of collecting data, reporting, assessing, and evaluating performance achievements of the implemented agenda.