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Working in Cafe

Jul 31, 2021

Mainstreaming Loss & Damage Among ASEAN Countries is the theme raised in this International Workshop which was attended by several speakers from various backgrounds

Mainstreaming Loss & Damage Among ASEAN Countries was the theme raised in this International Workshop which was attended by several speakers, namely Mulkhanif Yasin Yusuf, MA, Manuel De La Paz, M.Si, Annisa Hasanah, M.Si, Prihadi Adhie, M.MB, and Mahawira S. Dillon, M.Sc. This International Workshop began with an opening speech by Dr. Ernan Rustiadi, M.Agr, Head of LPPM IPB University, then continued with the presentation of the keynote speech by Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran, Director of SEAMEO Biotrop.
"I give my appreciation to the Disaster Study Center of IPB University and all collaborating institutions for holding this virtual workshop. The theme given is also very good and relates to our lives today. Hopefully this virtual workshop can run smoothly until the end of the event,” concluded Dr. Ernan Rustiadi, M.Agr opened this workshop.
Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran as the keynote speech stated that the five threats to biodiversity are land use change, sea function change, pollution, and climate change. “Efforts are needed to stop this, one of which is by conserving biodiversity. The BIOTROP portal on the SMART System can be an initial portal of information that can support biodiversity conservation,” continued Mr. Zulhamsyah who explained the importance of protecting biodiversity.
This international workshop, which was held through a zoom meeting, was the last series of national competitions held previously. Therefore, the schedule for the International Workshop includes the announcement of the winners of the national competition from each competition category, namely jingles, oration videos, photography, business ideas, and infographics.
The first resource person is Mahawira S. Dillon, M.Si, he is the Chief Researcher at the CERAH Indonesia Foundation. The material he delivered was related to 'Sustainable Development vs. Loss and Damage'. Loss and Damage due to disasters is related to sustainable development because handling Loss and Damage requires appropriate sustainable development strategies. "Availability of energy resources is the most important thing that we must maintain, because it is related to the sustainability of life in the future". concluded Mahawira, explaining the importance of the availability of natural resources in the future. He also explained that residents in the ASEAN region must have high resilience in facing threats to water availability, agricultural production, land degradation, and so on.
The second resource person, Manuel De La Paz, M.Sc., delivered a material entitled Conservation and Strategy to Reduce Loss and Damage. He is one of the conservators of the endangered Irrawaddy dolphin in the Guimaras Strait. “Southeast Asia, marine species (especially dolphins), and sustainable fishing activities are related because Southeast Asia consists of an archipelagic country which of course will have a lot of fishing activities, but the fishing method is expected not to damage the habitat of endangered marine fish species, ” concluded Manuel, who explained the interrelationships between the Southeast Asian region, its marine species, as well as fisheries and marine activities.
The next resource person is Mukhanif Yasin Yusuf, M.A., who is an activist who cares about people with disabilities. He is also the founder of the Student Activity Unit (UKM) specifically for people with disabilities at Gadjah Mada University. The material presented was entitled Optimizing the Role of Persons with Disabilities in Inclusive Disaster Management. “The role of persons with disabilities in dealing with disasters is better done collectively or inclusively than individually”. He also explained that people with disabilities can also contribute to disaster risk management activities, only those who need media or communities who understand disability, because not all types of disabilities can get the same treatment.
Disaster management requires the participation of all parties, so the media is needed to help mass socialization. The 4th speaker is a journalist who is an expert in disaster management, namely Mr. Prihadi Adhie, M.MB. “Mass media collaboration can help reduce the impact of disasters. Institutions and the mass media have an important role in making disaster news well received by the public while remaining scientifically informed and easy to hear.” concluded Prihadi who explained the role of the media in disaster risk management. Then, Annisa Hasanah, M.Si as the last speaker at this workshop, took a role by creating Ecofunopoly, Green learning while playing can be applied to children, must involve children to participate in reducing the impact of climate change, for example, attracting life size board games, carbon accounting, and so on. According to Annisa Hasanah, there are many ways that can be used to provide informative education related to disasters and climate change as mitigation measures. “Games can also be used to prepare individuals who are more adaptive to climate change. We can start from the most basic, for example giving knowledge to children.” Ended Annisa who explained one of the educational activities at Ecofunopoly.
The workshop ended with a closing statement from Mr. Syamsul Bahri Agus as Secretary of the Center for Disaster Studies. "Hopefully this conference can add insight to the people of Indonesia, especially those present at this event, and hopefully efforts to minimize the impact of climate change can become a mandate," concluded Mr. Syamsul.
Loss and damage due to climate change is a sure thing, but how we try to reduce the things that can trigger climate change and increase individual resilience is more important. All levels of society must participate in responding to climate change issues, not only the government. Mass media and social media can be a role control for climate change risk management, so it is hoped that all of us can instill the mindset of 'How we can make a difference and have a bigger impact on the world'.

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