Jun 29, 2021
IPB University Disaster Study Center in collaboration with PIAREA Institute held a GIMICK Podcast : How Are We? (Gimana Cara Kita?).
IPB University Disaster Study Center in collaboration with PIAREA Institute held a GIMICK Podcast (How Are We?). In the first series, the podcast is themed “Youth Know the Losses and Damages Due to Climate Change”. This podcast collaborates with representatives of youth organizations, including Zafira Puan Adelin (Vice-Chair of the National Children's Forum), A Hilmi Rafiiq (Chairman of the IPB University Agrometeorology Student Association), and Inlim Ravijai Rumahorbo (Head of Community Service). , Meteorology and Climatology Youth Association, STMKG). The podcast was opened directly by Ikrom Mustofa who is the Head of the Disaster and Climate Policy Division, PSB IPB as well as the director of the PIAREA Institute. The podcast contains about climate change, related to its effects, and how to reduce the bad effects of climate change as a young person. According to them, the key to the success of climate change action in cooperation with various parties, this is because many people actually care but are not well coordinated. Youth must be able to become pioneers and reporters. The following sentence is quoted from a podcaster: “The environment is not a gift from our ancestors, but a loan from our grandchildren”, -Inlim Ravijai Rumahorbo- “Let's start with Zero Waste, it's time for us to feel guilty for littering and using plastic without caring about the impact”, -Zafira Puan Adelin-"It's not the time to hesitate and ask questions, but the time to act", -A. Hilmi Rafiiq-"Let's be a part of goodness", -Ikrom Mustofa-.